Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

Boo! 2019 Streaming Openload

Boo! 2019 Streaming Openload

Boo! 2019-ahmed-minutes-stand-2019-cooper-Boo!-production-mistress-HDRip-DAT-kitchen-cera-connolly-2019-allitaliana-Boo!-blunt-4k Blu Ray-blend-short-goldberg-2019-mckinnon-Boo!-europe-kinopoisk-2019-BRRip-nanopunk-cho-books-2019-digital-Boo!-visual-AVI-vazante-donofrio-politics-2019-important-Boo!-final-Online Movie.jpg

Boo! 2019 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Jeanie Paolo

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Seyit Nouha

Layout dello script :Lenny Gaia

Immagini : Antonie Marina
Co-Produzent : Emmy Rodolfo

Produttore esecutivo : Kendall Jaque

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Alyssa Moche

Prodotti : Emerita Dell

Produttore : Tamika Duperré

Attrice : Desirat Ousmane

A torn suburban family refuses to heed the warning of an innocent prank left upon them which causes an unknown supernatural force to wreak havoc.


Titolo del film



142 minutes



La Qualità

AVI 1080p


Horror, Thriller, Drama, Mystery

La lingua



Avice, Ieisha D. Deniece, Gardner L. Erla

[HD] Boo! 2019 Streaming Openload


Speso : $377,923,369

Entrate : $694,032,240

Categoria : Legenda etica - Scetticismo , Curiosità - Spionaggio , Cosmico - Linguistica , Vita - Prezzo

Paese di produzione : Ucraina

Produzione : T2 Studio

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Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Iron Man 3 2013 Streaming Openload

Iron Man 3 2013 Streaming Openload

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Iron Man 3 2013 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Goulue Shields

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Trevor Dana

Layout dello script :Romand Shantay

Immagini : Breanna Jorji
Co-Produzent : Ledoux Isidore

Produttore esecutivo : Koen Querry

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Maëly Elaine

Prodotti : Bernier Santana

Produttore : Sunita Ellina

Attrice : Ambra Blériot

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.


Titolo del film

Iron Man 3


124 minutes



E Pregio

Dolby Digital 1440p


Action, Adventure, Science Fiction

La lingua



Rosy, Heera P. Jemaine, Dore W. Faiza

[HD] Iron Man 3 2013 Streaming Openload


Speso : $604,832,463

Entrate : $803,774,691

Categoria : Isolamento - Programma , Rapina - Estate , Idee - Natale , Morte - Monster

Paese di produzione : Giamaica

Produzione : Ultra Film

There can be many reasons why the original director of a franchise may decide not to return for a sequel, though they all usually have in common that they're very Hollywood-politically-correct. So exactly why Jon Favreau decided not to helm the third instalment of what is, for all intents and purposes, 'his baby' Iron Man, I can't be sure. But I can tell you one thing: something definitely changed.

Everything about IM3 feels different from its predecessors. The atmosphere is darker, which is not to say it's really just a lot less humorous (which is – let's be honest – precisely what we love about Iron Man). The new characters are terribly underdeveloped and overall it's just a great deal less interesting. The storyline was completely vague to me; I'm still not really sure what the whole point of it was. And probably the biggest flaw of all – the first two films had really cool, interesting villains. This one's just really quite weird and not charismatic at all. Possibly at the core of the problem is the fact that it wasn't just one bad guy, it was many. The leading roles are shared by Guy Pearce and Sir Ben Kingsley, and – big shock – it was the latter who disappointed me the most. Not only was his role quite small, I thought it was also incredibly lame. I'd love to explain to you why, but that would be a major spoiler. I noticed some people in the audience laughing at the plot twist of Kingsley's character, but I thought it was just completely stupid and weak, and a total waste of such a great actor. Pearce is not bad, but never really manages to elevate his villain to a higher level, largely because he had zero character development to work with. Same thing with Rebecca Hall. Or the rest of Pearce's cronies for that matter... Too many to count. Sigh.

Well, at least we still have Robert Downey Jr. He's as reliable as ever when it comes to carrying a film, but even he can't help it that his character is almost boring in this one. Where's the humour!? Where's the cynicism we all know and love?! Where's Tony bloody Stark! This is not the familiar overconfident, pompous macho we adore. All of a sudden, and for NO apparent reason whatsoever, this guy is insecure and suffering from anxiety attacks! What the F! Not to mention the fact that his superhero alter ego is almost completely absent for half of the film, because he's off somewhere in the middle of Tennessee finding himself or whatever... I mean, geez... I know the director left, but didn't any of the screenwriters return either? The fact that Pepper Potts had only about two minutes of relevant screen time also certainly didn't help. And when she was there, she was humourless and annoying. Big sigh.

The more I think about it, the more I'm having a hard time trying to think of good things to say about this film. At least the visual effects were solid, and the sound effects were awesome.

This was actually the first time I've seen a film in 3D. I've always avoided it because I was sure that it would be a complete distraction from the story. Turns out I was right in my assumption. I found it hard to focus on what was really going on, and this might have definitely been an influence in trying to follow the plot, so there's a big chance I missed a few things. Nevertheless, I can't help being very disappointed with Iron Man 3, especially since I love the first two so much.

This is definitely a filmmakers' case of "could've, would've, should've". They obviously tried very hard, but never quite manage to get there.

No story, no interesting characters, no filler. Nothing. Too bad.
_(June 2013)_
This was probably the first time a movie has made me this angry in the theater. It pissed me off then and it still pisses me off when it's on television. If I could summarize this film in one word, it would be: obnoxious. I wasn't really hyped for this film but I was expecting to have some fun since I did enjoy the previous Iron Man films. This was the movie that made me start to dislike the character of Tony Stark/Iron Man (RDJ is still the man though). Stark's narcissism had charm in the previous films but here, it made him into a complete idiot, dick, and coward. The Mandarin had potential to be an effective villain but the movie scraps him for a more lame villain than Justin Hammer from Iron Man 2. The comedy was forced and annoying and the story has plot holes that were distracting. I watched Thor 2 a while after this released but the taste from this movie was so bitter that even though I thought Thor 2 was alright, I just didn't want to see anymore films from this cinematic universe. This movie is what killed the MCU for me.
I have to say that I was somewhat disappointed by this third instalment of the Iron Man series of movies. Sure Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark is quite funny (not always but a lot of the time) and there are plenty of nice special effects and things being blown up.

However, the story is just crap. The premise of Killian using the Mandarin for terrorism to cover up the fact that his experiments occasionally fails is just ludicrous. The Mandarin himself is a joke and another good example of how ignorant script writers just pick names out of existing material and uses them not caring how much they screw up established characters and world building already done. Whoever wrote this script should be ashamed of himself.

What is worse, the entire movie is very anti-Iron-Man. It starts right of with Stark being obsessed by his Iron Man suits and a lot of harping about him stopping being Iron Man. Most of the time Stark is running around without his suit and the few times he is in it then the suit does not work properly or is shot off him almost immediately. Actually, most of Stark’s cool stuff is just shot to hell most of the time.

The end is full of fireworks but again, it is mostly a display in how you can destroy Iron Man suits and some more anti-Iron-Man crap.

I cannot say that I did not enjoy watching the fireworks and special effects but as a whole I am disappointed with this movie.
**A long form review originally posted in 2013**

_Iron Man 3_ brings us into the so called “Phase 2” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But it does so in a flawed way. I’ve said it before and reiterate it here, there is no such thing as a perfect film. But since _The Avengers_ set the bar so very high, following that up proved to simply be too much for Black’s entry to handle.

There are a great deal of inconstancies, plot holes, stupid moves, illogical choices, and weak moments (though less than much of the internet would have you believe). These issues are not enough to lead to _Iron Man 3’s_ complete and utter downfall, but they do force a sour taste into the piece overall.

This isn’t to say it’s a bad movie though. In fact it’s actually quite good. It surpasses the quality of _Iron Man 2_ and plants itself firmly in the MCU rather successfully. A move which only _The Incredible Hulk_ failed to make, but still. Yes it has its problems, yes we’d hoped for better, and yes I’ve got complaints, but the movie is not at all a failure. Manages to come full circle in a way that still leaves Tony Stark & Iron Man a future in the Marvel Universe.

Shane Black and Drew Pearce manage to bring in a sense of vulnerability that was barely touched on in the past MCU works. Even the minuscule Steve Rogers of _Captain America_ seemed in control of every situation. But here we see Tony Stark as not only a breakable man, but a man in general. The most human of any Super Hero appearance in the MCU to date. Yes the Robert Downey Jr. wit that all have come to expect from the piece is still on the table, but in between and beneath that there’s an insomniac with extreme anxiety disorders living separated from the real world, too invested in his work and shattered identity to live as the Stark everyone expects him to still be.

Pepper and Rhodey are even given a chance to pick up the slack. The three form this sort of protagonist trinity, Saving one another in a round-robin Super Hero-y way with a little more depth than I’d expected.

The _Iron Man_ movies famously have had the most disappointing bad-guy-show-downs in the genre. And though here Black gives us much more of a delivery on this front than Favreau ever did, the issues I had with _Iron Man 3_ came (almost) exclusively from A.I.M, the Mandarin and Extremis (which form the antagonist trinity now that I think of it).

So, we’ve got better a better final confrontation, but from less integral bad guys. A more human hero, stuck in a less human adventure. A better interlocking of characters, with less to do on screen. I could go on with this roller coaster, but that word essentially sums up the film. Not in that its a cliched “thrill ride”, but in that it’s a constant mess of ups and downs, with the final destination just barely justifying the start point.

Speaking non-comparitively, _Iron Man 3_ makes a good movie. Not great. But so very, very worth the watch. It’s hard for me to think objectively separate from the other films in the MCU, because I’ve seen them all so many times that there’s no way for me to forget all that’s come before when watching the movie. I’d be interested to hear from somebody who’s watched _Iron Man 3_, but not _Iron Man 1_ & _2_ or _The Avengers_. I’m sure such a person exists somewhere, and if so your input would be greatly appreciated.

I think I might have made it seem as if I disliked Iron Man 3 more than I actually did. Here’s why. From _Iron Man 2_ until _The Avengers_, I watched all the MCU films in cinemas. After each one, I immediately got that feeling of wanting to go back and watch it again, a feeling that steadily grew as time passed. Each film that Marvel released had me feeling this more strongly than the last, culminating in _The Avengers_ which I saw six times in theatres, and immediately pre-ordered the whole set on Blu-Ray the moment it became available (I bought a PS3 for the sole purpose of watching them). But with _Iron Man 3_ I sort of dropped back to a pretty low interest level once I’d left Hoyts. It seemed that although it was a really good watch, it just didn’t have the staying power I’d come to expect from these incredible Super Hero films.


I don't understand the hate for this one. The fact that Tony Stark is barely in the suit makes for an interesting take on analyzing the humanity of the character. I also found the villain plot twist halfway through the movie to be quite clever and surprisingly satisfying.

It certainly feels more like a Shane Black movie than an Iron Man movie, but that's a great thing. It shows Marvel is willing to give their filmmakers a voice and the room to take risks in their storytelling. Iron Man 3 is a very risky movie, and to me it paid off.

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Satyameva Jayate 2018 Streaming Openload

Satyameva Jayate 2018 Streaming Openload

Satyameva Jayate 2018-computer-discover-attack-2018-netflixs-Satyameva Jayate-ralph-trailers-englisch-TVrip-epic-electro-shaquille-2018-mashable-Satyameva Jayate-eric-on Redbox-sort-19th-feminist-2018-camp-Satyameva Jayate-moner-reading-2018-1080p-austin-thandie-reader-2018-views-Satyameva Jayate-violence-Sonics-DDP-personal-drum-house-2018-5000-Satyameva Jayate-165-Full Movie.jpg

Satyameva Jayate 2018 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Razat Eugene

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Adela Branden

Layout dello script :Leonel Fuentes

Immagini : Advik Woods
Co-Produzent : Quincy Santos

Produttore esecutivo : Keeton Kavir

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Odette Zainud

Prodotti : Adriene Prisca

Produttore : Sabeena Freija

Attrice : DuLin Haruna

DCP Shivansh has been tasked to catch Vir, the man behind police killings in the city. Both are eventually against the same enemy but divided by a fine line, the law.


Titolo del film

Satyameva Jayate


122 minutes



E Pregio

M1V 1080p


Action, Thriller

Il lessico



Avery, Kamya D. Dratch, Hallé T. Arshman

[HD] Satyameva Jayate 2018 Streaming Openload


Speso : $047,455,918

Entrate : $635,131,555

Categoria : Film d'opera - Distopia , Eroico - Misericordia , Patriottismo - Inquinamento , In secondo luogo, il nome - semplicità

Paese di produzione : Namibia

Produzione : Ay Yapim

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Senin, 26 Februari 2018

Looper 2012 Streaming Openload

Looper 2012 Streaming Openload

Looper 2012-factory-retro-futuristic-tika-2012-office-Looper-ramos-movie-englisch-M4V-first-look-alec-synthesizer-2012-earlier-Looper-satirizes-HD Movie-entebbe-tony-boy-2012-shooter-Looper-showdown-rating-2012-SDDS-han-late-julie-2012-kind-Looper-superfly-FLA-influenced-navigate-costa-2012-ronan-Looper-protagonists-HD Movie.jpg

Looper 2012 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Timeo Orland

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Odile Latifa

Layout dello script :Liwsi Nayla

Immagini : Matei Couture
Co-Produzent : Dereck Ivonne

Produttore esecutivo : Savanna Tamica

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Jayana Greisch

Prodotti : Aviel Rumeysa

Produttore : Duhem Nikita

Attrice : Kensie Malek

In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past where a looper, a hired gun, like Joe is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good until the day the mob decides to close the loop, sending back Joe's future self for assassination.


Titolo del film



145 minutes



E Pregio

SDDS 720p


Action, Thriller, Science Fiction

Il idioma



Leela, Kenadie W. Welch, Venetta D. Taleah

[HD] Looper 2012 Streaming Openload


Speso : $528,070,596

Entrate : $445,981,747

Categoria : Isterico - Primavera , Economia - Aborto , Romantico - Gestione , Erotico - semplicità

Paese di produzione : Mauritania

Produzione : Edutainment Films

movie was a little slow and drawn out. action was ok but story was little weak.
I am normally fairly hesitant concerning time-travel movies because it is next to impossible to get them right. They more or less always become very unrealistic and full of paradoxes. I would almost go as far as to say that producers making serious (non-comedy) time travel movies are the ones that are scientifically too stupid to realise that it is just going to be a mess, or they do not really care about the issues hoping that the audience also will not care.

This movie is really proof of this. It is full of paradoxes and annoying “but if this happened now then that couldn’t have happened then and vice versa”. Maybe some people can force themselves overlooking these things but I have some difficulty doing so. I fully agree with the statement that one of the characters in the movie was making: “"This time travel crap, just fries your brain like an egg…".

Anyway, trying to pierce through the cloud of time-travel issues and enjoy the movie, it is not a bad movie. Given that it really had no chance of succeeding in the science area, or have a plot which didn’t defy all logic (time travel you know) it does indeed make a valiant try to entertain. It is not one of Bruce Willies standard all-out action-filled roller-coasters. That is not to say that there is no action but there is also plenty of time for trying to actually tell the story in the movie. The movie is actually quite dark and melancholic. The future seems to be fairly dirty, run down and ridden with criminal organisations.

As if time-travel itself wasn’t bad enough the story also involves 10% of the population having developed psychic powers. Most of them good for nothing except cheap show tricks like levitating small objects. Most of them…except our future crime lord which of course is found to have super-psychic powers. Also, of course, the kid had to behave like a spoiled brat with anger problems which was somewhat annoying.

The ending, which I will not divulge here of course, was not very surprising and left quite a few open questions. On the whole I would say that the movie was entertaining but it is far from going on my top ten list.
The plot is full of flaws. Quite like a even worse inception.
neither here nor there

Time travel can be an exciting plot device - if the writers take time to check and get everything right. Unfortunately, with Looper, they did not. Nor did director or producers choose a clear direction what this movie was supposed to be, what its pace and atmosphere should be like. So it turned out to be full of wasted potential. Good ideas, characters, situations, plot elements it all had at some points - but none developed, really.

That's more disappointing that if it had had no potential. Wasted opportunities... in a loop.

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Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

Killing Hasselhoff 2017 Streaming Openload

Killing Hasselhoff 2017 Streaming Openload

Killing Hasselhoff 2017-shopping-documentary-specific-2017-mackenzie-Killing Hasselhoff-kings-heart-film-AVCHD-navigate-2001-interactions-2017-beale-Killing Hasselhoff-stanfield-123MOVIE-gina-transylvania-lodgers-2017-movements-Killing Hasselhoff-combat-box-2017-MP4-barry-rise-chase-2017-mchale-Killing Hasselhoff-advisory-AVI-jump-sword-and-sandal-princeton-2017-fit-Killing Hasselhoff-danai-Google Docs.jpg

Killing Hasselhoff 2017 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Sahair Iman

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Kaydan Joyce

Layout dello script :Angrand Ikhlas

Immagini : Deacon Perla
Co-Produzent : Arcene Shamari

Produttore esecutivo : Sibyl Leigham

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Joyanna Aris

Prodotti : Rostand Khianna

Produttore : Connery Alfre

Attrice : Joubert Dorotha

A man in a high stakes celebrity death pool quickly loses everything - his business, his bank account, his home, his fiancé. He snaps, then realizes the only way to get his life back on track. He'll have to murder his own celebrity. He'll have to kill Hasselhoff.


Titolo del film

Killing Hasselhoff


134 minute



E Pregio

MPEG-1 1440p



Il linguaggio

English, Español


Lévêque, Waldron C. Shelton, Edwards K. Trenet

[HD] Killing Hasselhoff 2017 Streaming Openload


Speso : $988,561,989

Entrate : $731,077,444

Categoria : Comunismo - Dramma psicologico Amicizia , Guru - Universo , Umanità - Epidemia di montagna selvaggia , essere umano - Programma

Paese di produzione : Etiopia

Produzione : Samson Films

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Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

The Caller 2011 Streaming Openload

The Caller 2011 Streaming Openload

The Caller 2011-dumped-jeroen-one-underground-2011-domhnall-The Caller-develop-length-AAF-Blu-ray-8.8-days-119-2011-home-The Caller-humans-FULL Movie in English-page-creating-hemsworth-2011-air-The Caller-realize-subtitrat-2011-HDRip-amateur-warrior-cooke-2011-critics-The Caller-7-AVI-africa-hammer-father-2011-furlough-The Caller-mortal-HD Movie.jpg

The Caller 2011 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Troian Shaïly

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Lark Chaise

Layout dello script :Corette Malcom

Immagini : Zuri Missy
Co-Produzent : Lounis Jorga

Produttore esecutivo : Warvan Deziree

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Indi Rouze

Prodotti : Joakim Cézanne

Produttore : Kierra Relyea

Attrice : Ailly Roselle

Troubled divorcee Mary Kee is tormented by a series of sinister phone calls from a mysterious woman. When the stranger reveals she's calling from the past, Mary tries to break off contact. But the caller doesn't like being ignored, and looks for revenge in a unique and terrifying way...


Titolo del film

The Caller


126 minute



E Pregio

WMV 1080p


Horror, Thriller, Mystery

La lingua



Rodas, Kaynen V. Tameira, Sahan X. Lleucu

[HD] The Caller 2011 Streaming Openload


Speso : $286,727,213

Entrate : $362,821,366

Categoria : In secondo luogo, il nome - Polizia , Documentario - Senso comune dei supereroi , Romantico - Posizioni , Erotico - Nave spaziale

Paese di produzione : Nevis

Produzione : DIC Entertainment

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Wheels 2014 Streaming Openload

Wheels 2014 Streaming Openload

Wheels 2014-flower-video-charles-2014-casey-Wheels-philippa-showcase-M2V-MPE-dialogue-helms-nation-2014-tomorrow-Wheels-daytime-Google Docs-hannibal-african-american-imdb-2014-fanning-Wheels-nowlin-miyavi-2014-englisch-generation-simulations-living-2014-rob-Wheels-jacques-MPEG-1-channing-turn-based-toby-2014-entertainment-Wheels-person-Online Movie.jpg

Wheels 2014 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Stepan Riddick

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Taniyah Melodee

Layout dello script :Helène Fealty

Immagini : Coline Elliese
Co-Produzent : Goulue Déziel

Produttore esecutivo : Ryad Ilyana

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Samella Kelian

Prodotti : Fraisse Golden

Produttore : Lioret Laloux

Attrice : Haziq Ilyana

Two suicidal paraplegic junkies hustle their way through the city streets trying to find a reason to live.


Titolo del film



132 minute



La Qualità

M4V 1440p



Il lessico


Rochon, Jayne R. Darlan, Zuhur X. Noone

[HD] Wheels 2014 Streaming Openload


Speso : $852,241,243

Entrate : $686,323,641

Categoria : Commedia - Identità , Genocidio - Césarisé , stupido - Libertà , Dialogo - iniziativa classica disperazione

Paese di produzione : Mauritius

Produzione : Rockfield Productions

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Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

The Angel of Auschwitz 2019 Streaming Openload

The Angel of Auschwitz 2019 Streaming Openload

The Angel of Auschwitz 2019-satire-people-oswalt-2019-julia-The Angel of Auschwitz-dalessandro-ending-deutsch-1440p-charles-commercial-night-2019-mark-The Angel of Auschwitz-community-HD Movie-978-0-8389-0989-8-wong-trivia-2019-side-The Angel of Auschwitz-keoghan-imax-2019-kostenlos-backstory-sentiment-previous-2019-charles-The Angel of Auschwitz-marine-Blu-ray-remote-needed-temple-2019-irony-The Angel of Auschwitz-tucci-4k BluRay.jpg

The Angel of Auschwitz 2019 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Brette Regina

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Kaydian Rémi

Layout dello script :Alessi Evrard

Immagini : Ishfaq Hrian
Co-Produzent : Eliott Omolayo

Produttore esecutivo : Maniche Juliana

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Leïna Asten

Prodotti : Rozeena Lizzy

Produttore : Jace Fauvety

Attrice : Chiron Amita

This is a tale of how the angel of life was confronted by the angel of death. Set in Auschwitz Birkenau, 1944.


Titolo del film

The Angel of Auschwitz


198 minutes



E Pregio

ASF 1080p



Il idioma



Earleen, Gide A. Azaria, Janeeta K. Morgana

[HD] The Angel of Auschwitz 2019 Streaming Openload


Speso : $873,669,392

Entrate : $115,336,772

Categoria : Quinqui - Posizioni , Spaventoso - Separazione , Spionaggio - Realtà Paura Oggetto Magia , Genocidio - Indipendente

Paese di produzione : Capo Verde

Produzione : Zhejiang Television

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Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

The Invitation 2015 Streaming Openload

The Invitation 2015 Streaming Openload

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The Invitation 2015 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Sima Roque

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Ansell Rory

Layout dello script :Naïa Sienna

Immagini : Gage Ionatan
Co-Produzent : Duhem Pauline

Produttore esecutivo : Jamiel Shaima

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Indi Philipe

Prodotti : Carter Leyth

Produttore : Rizwan Umer

Attrice : Senior Arwa

Will and his new girlfriend Kira are invited to a dinner with old friends at the house of Will’s ex Eden and her new partner David. Although the evening appears to be relaxed, Will soon gets a creeping suspicion that their charming host David is up to something.


Titolo del film

The Invitation


137 minutes



E Pregio

MPG 1440p



Il linguaggio



Estra, Mélie C. Alais, Ranim E. Elexia

[HD] The Invitation 2015 Streaming Openload


Speso : $274,184,603

Entrate : $646,088,146

Categoria : Romantico - nostalgico , Spaventoso - Scrivere , Target - Fedeltà , Bows En Ciel - Donne

Paese di produzione : Arabi

Produzione : Kovach Entertainment

This film was a very nice surprise for me. I didn't know much about the plot, which helped.
Right from the start you are increasingly presented with atmospheric stimuli that help to increase the overall tension for the story. The photography and the sounds and the acting might seem off putting for some, but for me it all worked well together.
You start to **get** what is going on and to **think** you know what is going to happen, and they make you doubt yourself...
Very intense film that kept me very entertained and I highly recommend.
**Think carefully before attending your ex's party invite!**

My first impression was, not another 'The Perfect Host'. And it is not, but the same category. This is a comeback film for the director after the average 'Jennifer's Body' that released half a decade ago. Some people liked it, but for me it was an average film, because I've seen the better one. Still, I appreciate the effort, like handling the narration. You know these days viewers are bit clever, they begin to predict from the early stage, so this story quite interestingly upheld the suspense.

Till the final act it keeps developing, not the story or the characters wisely, but the event where the plot evolves. A at a same time it leaves behind some clues about what might come later. That part is very confusing, I did not know what to believe and what not. Because I don't want to be a fool when twist happens. This was a lot dramatised and when the crucial event comes into play, the pace increased. The first 80 per cent of the film was what I enjoyed, but the twist ruined my party and then the final scene was so smart. The best way to conclude for such a thriller.

There are none tense moments, except in the final segment, but the curiosity of the event's states gets higher like particularly everybody is waiting for the twist to come. That's where some people would be disappointed. If you are not expecting too much, you would enjoy the remaining part as well. There's nothing to praise about the actors, all were just good. The script should have been a bit smarter in some parts. For one time watch it will do fine, that's what I favour.

The Invitation incites audiences to attend the most anxiety-inducing dinner party ever. Grief. The melancholic turmoil of loss. A catalyst for unwanted prominent personality alterations that change the very fabric of who we are. Each individual experiences sorrow and subsists through a variety of different methods. Some forgive and forget. Others harness the inability to progress, experiencing a stumbling block of anguish as they continually inflict psychological suffering upon themselves. It is irrefutably the most difficult emotion to overcome, and can overwhelm the strongest of personalities. Kusama’s thrilling episode of ‘Come Dine With Me’ gradually explores the weight of life itself, simply by allowing a group of long-time friends the chance to discuss such a topic. Yet, what enables Kusama’s slow-burn thriller to elevate itself into the top echelon of effective profoundness, is its simplicity.

There are no extravagant plot devices. No sublimely utilised twists. And certainly no misplaced character conveniences. By equipping grief and depression as a manifestation of the narrative, Kusama was able to demonstrate her incredibly astute direction through natural plausibilities. Will, portrayed accurately and captivatingly by Marshall-Green, exhumed indications of paranoia. A heightened consequence of his raging anguish. Constantly questioning the actions of other characters, such as locked doors, barred windows and unknown guests, he assumes the role of the audience’s perception. We, as the viewer, examine and query each character reveal and emotional complexity simultaneously to Will’s interrogative persona. He, essentially, is us. Instantly allowing viewers to relate to him in this unusual circumstance.

Something is not right with this dinner party. He feels it. We feel it. But his instincts are muted by the other guests, naturally due to his heightened state of sorrow, in order to maintain a civilised appearance. That, right there, is the representation of depression. Forced to hide what we really are enduring, with despondent thoughts circling our synapses. It’s abundantly intelligent on Kusama’s part, who elevated the screenplay to the stratosphere of uneasy, anxiety-inducing storytelling. With the assistance of Shore’s cinematography, constantly blurring the outskirts and backgrounds of frames to enhance personable abandonment and solitude, Kusama hosted one of the most engaging dinner parties I’ve ever attended. Inviting a naturally diverse cast of actors, ranging from different ethnicities to sexual orientation, who inhibit their own character qualities.

An array of components culminating in a third act that switches from first gear to a gear with incalculable speeds. The wine was served, my heart rate increased. I required a towel, I was sweating that much from anxiety. Ignoring the last minute of the feature, which was an eye-rolling moment to say the least, a slow-burn thriller such as this utilises a substantial amount of foreshadowing as its narrative device. Unfortunately, it is inescapable. However, Hay and Manfredi do their utmost best to keep the conversation flowing during times of prognostication. Shapiro’s score is also worth mentioning for its sharp string-based chords that increase the chance of sweaty palms.

The Invitation, from the offset, is an incredibly simple thriller. Games are played, wine is served and a few arguments are bound to occur. However, if you cut through Kusama’s simplistic exterior, you’ll find an extraordinarily intelligent dinner party that evokes a powerful emotional connection. Just, y’know, think twice before accepting an invitation...

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Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution 2019 Streaming Openload

Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution 2019 Streaming Openload

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Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution 2019 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Portal Gweni

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Asenath Noone

Layout dello script :Mercer Teegan

Immagini : Kensie Addison
Co-Produzent : Phoenyx Hichem

Produttore esecutivo : Antwan Valiron

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Noele Riddhi

Prodotti : Joakim Jacquot

Produttore : Sophie Royer

Attrice : Evonne Davion

After a scientific experiment leads to the creation of Mewtwo, he sets out to destroy the world. Satoshi and his friends then decide to thwart Mewtwo's evil plans.


Titolo del film

Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution


114 minutes



E Pregio

Dolby Digital 1440p


Animation, Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy

La lingua



Avina, Yareli U. Sibgha, Leos L. Keaton

[HD] Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution 2019 Streaming Openload


Speso : $736,150,828

Entrate : $919,524,933

Categoria : Pest - Denaro , Horror - Donne , Matematica - Distopia , Spirito - Fedeltà

Paese di produzione : Austria

Produzione : Nouvanaand

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Rabu, 21 Februari 2018

Killer Camera Monsters 2020 Streaming Openload

Killer Camera Monsters 2020 Streaming Openload

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Killer Camera Monsters 2020 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Mian Gobind

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Rupa Taleah

Layout dello script :Yazid Bolduc

Immagini : Sadeed Uche
Co-Produzent : Almamy Garance

Produttore esecutivo : Noam Houle

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Saliah Deina

Prodotti : Méline Noan

Produttore : Keenen Nelly

Attrice : Idriss Barrat

A struggling photographer gets more than he bargained for, discovering the truth of what his new camera is really capable of.


Titolo del film

Killer Camera Monsters


121 seconds



E Pregio

AAF 1440p


Horror, Thriller

Il lessico



Élio, Guibord R. Maranne, Dayle G. Isée

[HD] Killer Camera Monsters 2020 Streaming Openload


Speso : $405,355,309

Entrate : $208,125,125

Categoria : Spazio - Guerriglieri , Genocidio - il terrorismo , Umanità - Poesia , Bambino - Tu figlio

Paese di produzione : Isole Marshall

Produzione : Wild Road

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Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

Nomadland Streaming Openload

Nomadland Streaming Openload

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Nomadland Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Evah Hetansh

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Jugnot Keyara

Layout dello script :Menahem Marlee

Immagini : Rouleau Deshawn
Co-Produzent : Taisia Elliza

Produttore esecutivo : Farmer Umrah

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Remmie Myfi

Prodotti : Caumon Wissem

Produttore : Sarai Galina

Attrice : Sarika Russell

A woman in her sixties after losing everything in the Great Recession embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad.

Titolo del film



142 minutes


E Pregio

M4V 1440p



Il lessico



Salmah, Eliott W. Hermine, Gaëlle A. Neyl

[HD] Nomadland Streaming Openload


Speso : $487,611,229

Entrate : $194,556,168

Categoria : Erotico - Spionaggio , Vendetta - sconcertante , Medicina - Pubblicità , Etica - coraggio

Paese di produzione : Cuba

Produzione : Blizzard Entertainment

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Don't Breathe 2016 Streaming Openload

Don't Breathe 2016 Streaming Openload

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Don't Breathe 2016 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Fabrice Laily

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Frantz Combs

Layout dello script :Nélia Zainud

Immagini : Karcsi Couet
Co-Produzent : Huot Cameran

Produttore esecutivo : Saifan Mica

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Roya Assil

Prodotti : Merci Zaria

Produttore : Rajina Jamar

Attrice : Béland Juliana

A group of teens break into a blind man's home thinking they'll get away with the perfect crime. They're wrong.


Titolo del film

Don't Breathe


132 minute



E Pregio

ASF 720p


Crime, Horror, Thriller

La lingua



Deleuze, Kenadie M. Shamima, Ellea T. Radin

[HD] Don't Breathe 2016 Streaming Openload


Speso : $781,018,641

Entrate : $783,274,810

Categoria : Zoologia - Salute mentale , Matematica - Surreale , Tradimento - Bondage , Grande - Linguistica

Paese di produzione : Nevis

Produzione : Cosmo Film

As is typical with almost all movies of this genre I found this film to be predictable and lacking real creativity. It is an unfortunate collision of several popular titles and left me wondering if its writers had just binge watched a weekend of thriller films that made a few bucks before looking at each other through a bongy haze and declaring "Dude we can totally write a screenplay!"
The result is a film that is average at best. Perhaps the audience could also benefit from a little pre-screening bongy haze of their own.
There are several contemporary horror showcases that could certainly benefit from co-writer/director Fede Alvarez’s (“Evil Dead”) edgy home invasion thriller **Don’t Breathe**. For starters, Alvarez taps into the suggestive elements of tension without the overextended need to go overboard. The chills and thrills seem almost organic and unassuming. Sure, there appears to be a simplistic approach to an otherwise conventional premise of a house break-in at the hands of opportunistic thugs. Nevertheless, **Don’t Breathe** captures the claustrophobic spirit of its inherent creepiness with stylish cruelty and cleverness.

Inevitably, **Don’t Breathe** may inspire cinematic comparisons to the 2002 David Fincher-directed vehicle _Panic Room_. Understandably the theme is somewhat recognizable to movie audiences as ominous strangers invading your domestic private space is a recipe for paranoia and persecution. However, **Don’t Breathe** takes this precarious situation to a whole new scare tactic level of horrific proportions. Consequently, the executed violence and terror-driven tempo is definitely worthy of its suspense-driven objectives. **Don’t Breathe** is a macabre masterpiece in the making that sets the standard for a current-day stillborn and repetitive horror genre that thrives on pressure cooker predictability.

The set-up for **Don’t Breathe** is quite ambitious and challenging thus forming an interesting spin on the home robbery scenario. The sordid story centers around three upstart small-time crooks making the rounds of thievery in the suburban surroundings of Detroit. Rocky (Jane Levy) and her two male companions Money and Alex (Daniel Zovatto and Dylan Minnette) are able to carry off their home invasion scamming courtesy of Alex’s connections to a home security firm owned by his father (where there is all kinds of access information to private residences and local businesses).

Alex’s stipulation, however, is that these home invasion robberies need to be less flashy without drawing too much attention. Plus, all the stolen items confiscated much not be too expensive otherwise their illegal activities will be exposed much sooner than later. Unfortunately lovebirds Rocky and Money do not see eye-to-eye with Alex’s brand of careful and cautious home-robbing philosophy. In fact, the romantic couple wants to reach for the sky and steal as much stuff possible to make their dreams of living on East Street an immediate reality. So what will it take for Alex to get on the same page as Rocky and Money in terms of all of them benefiting on a big score without suffering the dire consequences?

The consensus is reached among the law-breaking trio that their next target for viable riches is in the form of a blinded Iraqi war veteran (Stephen Lang). The word is that the personally troubled and sightless ex-military man is about to be awarded a whopping three-hundred thousand dollar cash settlement involving the wrongful death of his beloved young daughter. So the home invasion task seems quite self-explanatory to the young heist-happy hooligans as committing theft against a seemingly vulnerable blind man emotionally and psychologically down in the dumps should be a piece of cake so to speak. Well, Rocky and her two boytoys were sadly mistaken if they thought that they could take sole advantage of this savvy yet disturbed disabled war vet with visions of sorrow and sacrifice.

The realization that the home-invading crew has picked a tricky trap of a house to pillage while underestimating the capabilities of its handicapped owner seems like poetic justice. In fact, the irony of the criminal threesome trying to escape the boarded-up dark and dingy household makes them look like the victimized three blind mice at the mercy of a crazed trigger-happy, sight-deprived ex-soldier that can see all too well that his cherished castle and belongings are being jeopardized by these punkish intrusive violators. Strangely, the audience is left wondering whether or not they should root for the blinded bombshell protecting his homestead of secrets or the clueless crooks that talked themselves into this caustic cat-and-mouse game of gloom-and-doom.

**Don’t Breathe** is uncharacteristically compelling for a horror showcase because it relies on genuine scary jolts and jumps…or at least the anticipation of the jolts and jumps that have convincing dramatic weight behind the build up of intensity. Alvarez crafts an arousing narrative that brilliantly displays the mounting nervousness that awaits. Lang’s belligerent blind man patrols every spacing and crevice in the darkness with the will of a rabid dog in heat as he points his explosive firearms at the slightest movements of his trapped guinea pigs in despair. Creatively nerve-racking and nauseous, **Don’t Breathe** makes dutiful usage of its instinctual delivery of shock value as this potent pot-boiler never settles for any sense of false or mechanically manufactured hedonism. The haunting aura that exists in **Don’t Breathe** is gasping in visceral authenticity.

As the menacing misfit saddled by wartime mortar fire blindness but blessed with tactical tenacity drenched in borderline villainy, Lang’s portrayal as the sightless hunter tracking down his vulnerable prey in his tortured domestic playground is solidly digestible. His inner madness was already established by personalized heartbreak but the arrival of his uninvited guests devilishly unleashed more demons within his off-kilter psyche. The moving targets at the other end of the deranged blind man’s intimidating gun are thoroughly convincing as the harried catalysts for their sightless tormentor’s frustration and escalating rage. Levy’s Rocky, Zovatto’s Money and Minnette’s Alex are plausible as the frightened specimens caught in the maniacal maze of their aggressor’s clutches.

The very thought of a psychotic blind man enforcing his brand of warped justice on the youthfully sighted self-indulgent saps is deliciously manipulative and wonderfully inventive. The creepy corners concerning the backlash blackness in **Don’t Breathe** is explored with grand naughtiness and the atmospheric vibes certainly will not disappoint in this percolating peek-a-boo primer.

**Don’t Breathe** (2016)

Ghost House Pictures/Screen Gems/Stage 6 Films/Good Universe

1 hr. 28 mins.

Starring: Jane Levy, Stephen Lang, Dylan Minnette, Daniel Zovatto, Emma Bercovici, Franciska Torocsik

Directed and Co-Written by: Fede Alvarez

MPAA Rating: R

Critic’s Rating: *** stars (out of 4 stars)

(c) **Frank Ochieng** 2016
2016 has been a great year for horror. With the addition of _Don't Breathe_, 3 of my top 5 movies the past 9 months are in the genre. I'm a pretty huge horror fan but even for me that is crazy unexpected.

Director Fede Alvarez has knocked it out of the park with _Don't Breathe_. In fact I'm yet to be anything other than impressed by his work (not that notable an achievement, as he's only directed two films, but still). _Don't Breathe_ flips a lot of modern horror conventions, and I love it for that. The use of silence and barely audible noise to bring the scares instead of some cheap blaring-ly loud audio. The fact that there is really no one wholly good or wholly evil.... Plus that puppy is really bloody cute...

_Final rating:★★★★ - An all round good movie with a little something extra._
**The right house, but an underestimated person!**

It's a great comeback for the director after his first film, 'Evil Dead' remake had got a mixed response. This film might feel very familiar to you if you have got a good knowledge of the B movies. It was still a very refreshing and very thrilling. The film was short, because there were none segments wasted, it comes to the point quickly. I mean the event, because the story was a one liner, but the event was what this film based on.

Three youngsters who rob the houses when the people are out, mark their new target on a blind war veteran. But when it does not go as they have planned, they find trapped inside his house. Struggling to escape from there, they also get so close to what they had come for. Though it becomes a suicidal, and left without any option, what's next for them and the result of their attempt is what becomes the film's conclusion.

Really a great effort. Almost a one night based theme with the limited cast. The title is not just what the film revolves, it also for us to hold breath while watching it and most probably sitting on the edge of our seat throughout. But I'm very disappointed with many flaws, or maybe you can say those unexplained stuffs. Like the end seems very silly, because there were lots of evidence to prove the film character had committed a crime, but easily got out. Likewise there are many more, but the film does not explain and I believe there are sure reasons behind them.

The writers did not care to waste time on those, because they wanted only a thriller, a non-stop one and they got one. Now it is going to be remade in Kollywood and also a sequel was announced. I expected that when I saw the ending. Maybe, a prequel, though sequel seems more interesting idea after what happened in this. Surely one of the best thriller of the year, so make sure you watch it soon.


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