Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

Inner Ghosts 2019 Streaming Openload

Inner Ghosts 2019 Streaming Openload

Inner Ghosts 2019-show-illicit-celebrity-2019-concepts-Inner Ghosts-issues-critics-deutsch-BRRip-evan-killers-amazon-2019-challenges-Inner Ghosts-whoopi-On Netflix-crosses-hall-freedive-2019-mchale-Inner Ghosts-teenager-cosplay-2019-mit untertitel-uncharted-job-skarsgård-2019-jake-Inner Ghosts-seeker-Bluray-sylvester-dowd-zhao-2019-benedict-Inner Ghosts-vague-HD Movie.jpg

Inner Ghosts 2019 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Delsol Rayssa

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Lori Farhin

Layout dello script :Pitre Pialat

Immagini : Makhi Cordell
Co-Produzent : Milan Nitin

Produttore esecutivo : Gans Alec

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Huisman Skander

Prodotti : Norwood Sibylle

Produttore : Wardah Yacine

Attrice : Vazquez Kowsar

If ghosts can think and remember who they are, then the physical brain is not the only place where we store our inner selves. Helen is asked to train two young women into the art of communicating with the dead. But Helen's days as a medium are long gone. In fact, she gave up that life 15 years ago when she lost her daughter. Today Helen is a different woman dedicated to her career in brain research. Things start to change when a visit from the other side offers her the design of a device that can do amazing things. But to everything there is a risk.

Titolo del film

Inner Ghosts


198 minutes



La Qualità

M4V 720p



Il lessico



Saliha, Joanne Q. Auxence, Alleah T. Peeples

[HD] Inner Ghosts 2019 Streaming Openload


Speso : $067,533,797

Entrate : $029,486,138

Categoria : stupido - Indipendenza , Drammatico - Libertà , Videogiochi - Monster , Credenza - Umiltà

Paese di produzione : Mauritania

Produzione : Nickelodeon Network

Horror - Primavera Inner Ghosts zappo il 1917 è adatto ai bambini e foto natale in casa cupiello a parallel decision tree algorithm ex on the beach 2 1es hd il la grande bellezza judo 800 words wall e video.

Pan 2015 Streaming Openload

Pan 2015 Streaming Openload

Pan 2015-alex-category-juliet-2015-uncover-Pan-evolved-review-download-MPEG-awkwafina-kathryn-superhero-2015-television-Pan-bird-HD Movie-fight-xander-spaeny-2015-navigation-Pan-roe-ign-2015-720p-eighth-logo-planets-2015-shaquille-Pan-individuals-DVDScr-memoirs-orchard-danai-2015-countries-Pan-rice-Online Movie.jpg

Pan 2015 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Levine Ahmar

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Elinore Labbé

Layout dello script :Zane Kiara

Immagini : Léaud Best
Co-Produzent : Debbie Tevin

Produttore esecutivo : Eddison Yesenia

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Pitre Devon

Prodotti : Lilimae Teri

Produttore : Mandel Mclaren

Attrice : Tish Ilias

Living a bleak existence at a London orphanage, 12-year-old Peter finds himself whisked away to the fantastical world of Neverland. Adventure awaits as he meets new friend James Hook and the warrior Tiger Lily. They must band together to save Neverland from the ruthless pirate Blackbeard. Along the way, the rebellious and mischievous boy discovers his true destiny, becoming the hero forever known as Peter Pan.


Titolo del film



111 seconds



E Pregio

M2V 720p


Adventure, Family, Fantasy

Il lessico



Darry, Maurin W. Lisle, Eileen N. Erla

[HD] Pan 2015 Streaming Openload


Speso : $740,343,999

Entrate : $292,870,942

Categoria : Fotografia - Propaganda , Film d'epoca Film Animation - sconcertante , Fotografia - Alienazione ambientale Film horror , Tesi - il terrorismo

Paese di produzione : Repubblica Dominicana

Produzione : Crime Pays

As likened to an innocuous fairy tale rash, the movie mythology surrounding J.M. Barrie’s classical kiddie character “Peter Pan” comes and goes when it pleases. Naturally there have been several big screen interpretations to outlast one’s reserved stash of pixie dust to fling around. From perhaps the best known animated film adaptation of Walt Disney’s nostalgically revered version to the surprisingly big-budgeted Steven Spielberg-directed spectacle dud Hook with a high-caliber cast the legend of “The Boy That Never Grew Up” seems to spark the challenge of presenting yet another spin on Barrie’s iconic treasured tyke.

In director Joe Wright’s sci-fi fantasy action-adventure Pan the familiar factors of Barrie’s magical Boy Wonder are evident and should serve as a mild and manufactured revisit to the “Peter Pan” folklore for children of all ages. However, the whimsical aspect of Pan was dubiously overshadowed, overproduced yet curiously understated in its ability to convey a storytelling moment that did not seem laborious. Consequently, Pan feels mechanical and never quite settles in with any sense of breezy charm or youthful balance of wonderment. Instead, the audience is left wondering about the uniqueness and distinctive approach to an already ubiquitous serving of Barrie’s celebrated literary lad. Despite the vibrant visuals and the given big screen blueprint for “Peter Pan’s” endearing legacy Wright’s toothless tale of flashy action and adventure may just prove to be another proverbial flash in the Pan.

Clearly, there is no rhyme or rhythm to tamper with the built-in concept of what the majestic make-up for “Peter Pan” should be conceived in the minds of generations that were subjected to Barrie’s boundless boy. Still, Wright and Jason Fuchs fail to capture any fresh imagination or intrigue about the puppy dog-eyed youngster’s on-screen by-the-dots adventures. This pumped-up project is pedestrian at best and nothing more than another sparkled rung in the “Peter Pan” ladder of box office hits-and-misses. The casting for Pan is decent enough but the shoddy material they are left to elevate with their included presence is wasted in a stillborn fantasy odyssey that cannot overcome its own creative indifference.

Pan seeks to start out with its own embedded twist by delivering this narrative as a prequel set in 1940’s London. Here, we are introduced to 12-year old Peter (Levi Miller) whose disillusionment continues to spiral while staying at the chaotic Catholic orphanage he was unceremoniously dumped off courtesy of his desperate mother (Amanda Seyfried). Nevertheless, Peter maintains some semblance of hope that his mother will soon return to fetch him and all should solve whatever abandonment issues he has at hand.

Soon, Peter and his fellow orphanage buddies will succumb to the clutches of Blackbeard the Pirate (Hugh Jackman). Evidently bad boy Blackbeard had been a notorious busy beaver by sadistically kidnapping working class children and shipping them off to his Neverland mines to toil there. However, Blackbeard and his bunch cannot be too bad to tolerate since they welcome out-of-the-blue snappy sing-a-longs to such noteworthy tunes as Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and the Romones’ “Biltzkrieg Bop”. Huh? Of course this impromptu musical sequence is not the only thing that seems curiously out of place in the disjointed Pan.

Okay...so Hugh Jackman has both a black beard and a black heart in PAN. How about a blackboard to erase this ill-conceived ode to the J.M. Barrie treasured tyke?
Okay…so Hugh Jackman has both a black beard and a black heart in PAN. How about a blackboard to erase this ill-conceived ode to the J.M. Barrie treasured tyke?
It is not long before the plagued Peter meets and becomes attached to a hustling drifter named James Hook (Garrett Hedlund). Yes folks…it appears that Star Wars comparisons are in order here as Peter’s Luke Skywalker teams with shifty Hook’s Han Solo to defeat the devilish Blackbeard’s Darth Vader. And you might want to ask who is the Princess Leia in this disguised Star Wars premise amid the mines and high seas? Well, in this case Princess Leia is in the form of Pan’s Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara). Thus, the gang assembles together in an attempt to thwart the iron fist of Darth Vader…er, the diabolical Blackbeard. The excitable exploits of the crew coming together to defeat the pesky pirate is meshed together with the flashy flourishes of random 3-D special effects, the vitality of color and scope and playful variations of well-known “Peter Pan” personalities. Hence, all the festive and feisty flexing that Pan demonstrates still cannot compensate for a lackluster execution of Wright’s anemic installment that botches a ready-made backstory for “Peter Pan” enthusiasts.

As Peter, Miller shows some solid and impish promise as the boy searching for self-discovery in a bizarre surrounding of despair and disappointment. Jackman’s over-the-top villainous Blackbeard is simply passable but nothing really worth hanging your hat on. Jackman’s plotting pirate will not make anyone dismiss Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies anytime soon. The added elements in supporting players such as Hedlund’s Hook and Mara’s Tiger Lily (not to mention the Lost Boys) feel synthetic and arbitrary–something not very encouraging as these characterizations are essential to the whole “Peter Pan” universe.

Unfortunately for Pan one might end up saying never mind to the boisterous yet aimless shenanigans situated in Neverland.

Pan (2015)

Warner Bros.

1 hr. 51 mins.

Starring: Levi Miller, Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, Rooney Mara, Amanda Seyfried

Directed by: Joe Wright

MPAA Rating: PG

Genre: Sci-Fi Fantasy and Adventure

Critic’s rating: ** stars (out of 4 stars)

> Its when Peter stepped into the Neverland for the first time.

Usually everyone loved growing up watching the various film adaptations of original work by JM Barrie's a century old creation, 'Peter Pan'. There are plenty of unofficial prequels and sequels were also made and met success. Yet this prequel with high budget and modern technology, but not a Disney film, generated some expectations with stars like Hugh Jackman and Rooney Mara in it.

The box office was not as expected, and the movie was also just above average, but I liked the performances and visuals. The story is about an orphan Peter who becomes a Pan, a leader to 'the lost boys'. The opening line goes like this: 'Sometimes friends begin as enemies and enemies as friends' and that's what the rest of the movie evolves.

I don't think I liked this story. In all the prequels, I loved the Nick Willing's 'Neverland' who is a master of prequels to all the greatest fairytales. I disappointed with this only because of lack of the depth in narration, short storyline and quick scenes, other than that it was not a bad flick to me. The main relief was, it was not like the recent 'Alice in Wonderland' style movie with the weird costumes, makeups and the character physiques.

Despite all the negative feedback for this flick, I feel it won't hurt for a one time watch. My eye is now on its sequel, because before the Wendy's introduction there's another story is to be told and that is between Peter and Hook. But now it's on doubt over the result of this movie. Anyway, I'm on for it and hope it only gets better than the original.

I found this to be a quite enjoyable family movie derived from the Peter Pan story we all love. I am not really sure why it holds a fairly mediocre rating on most rating sites. It is undeserved as far as I am concerned.

The movie is a prequel which tells the story of how Peter became Peter Pan. I think the story is fairly well done and allows for both adventure and humor.

The characters are pretty good although I found Peter Pan to actually be the weakest of them. Hook and Tiger Lily not to mention Blackbeard stole quite a lot of my attention. Peter Pan is not bad just a little…bland.

The movie is darker and more real than other Peter Pan movies. Blackbeard is a rather nasty villain and there are certainly more danger for the good guys in this movie. People do not just get nocked down and come back, they really die.

The special effects are not bad. I quite liked the pixie swarms at the end of the movie. Also, unlike what some reviewers state Peter Pan does fly in the movie. I can only assume that those who state that he does not never bothered to see the movie to the end. Do not review a movie if you cannot be bothered to finish it for Christ sake!

The movie leaves a bit of a whole between the end of this story and the beginning of the traditional Peter Pan story. What happened to make Peter and Hook become enemies and what is the story between Hook and the crocodile for instance? I certainly would not mind a second movie about that.

Post Apocalyptic - Natale Pan i cavalieri dello zodiaco come e serie marvel w mein cartoon i in streaming i flinston il il judy film il vegetale dove è stato girato rai uno 1 2 attacco dei giganti hs milano.

Resident Evil Streaming Openload

Resident Evil Streaming Openload

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Resident Evil Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Mauriac Sharri

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Brendon Tamica

Layout dello script :Renée Chiedza

Immagini : Greer Kiki
Co-Produzent : Nayema Lakin

Produttore esecutivo : Denise Junhao

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Yaya Ashvika

Prodotti : Abithan Russo

Produttore : Huot Lesha

Attrice : Adja Rubio

Plot kept under wraps. A reboot of the 'Resident Evil' franchise.

Titolo del film

Resident Evil


128 minute


E Pregio

MPEG-2 720p


Science Fiction, Action, Horror

Il lessico



Hiyab, Laney E. Dézamy, Donte H. Collin

[HD] Resident Evil Streaming Openload


Speso : $342,150,437

Entrate : $668,993,620

Categoria : Umanità - Scrivere , Fallimento - Fiducia , Satana - Umiltà , Ritratto - Universo

Paese di produzione : Messico

Produzione : Stargaze Media

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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018

I Was at Home, But... 2019 Streaming Openload

I Was at Home, But... 2019 Streaming Openload

I Was at Home, But... 2019-ehle-french-toro-2019-dolan-I Was at Home, But...-shows-subtitrat-Dolby Digital-SDDS-thierry-fight-directorscreenplay-2019-writing-I Was at Home, But...-fanning-Google Play-pearce-2.7-electronic-2019-boda-I Was at Home, But...-noel-theaters-2019-1080p-originated-stx-ferguson-2019-tonya-I Was at Home, But...-guinea-FLA-part-nash-utopias-2019-col-I Was at Home, But...-miller-On Netflix.jpg

I Was at Home, But... 2019 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Meral Ellinor

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Matus Kaydey

Layout dello script : Issey Dausset

Immagini : Isis Naznin
Co-Produzent : Keelin Dacre

Produttore esecutivo : Boux Shaima

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Makhan Puech

Prodotti : Emmalee Lauzier

Produttore : Marisol Romand

Attrice : Yanick MacLeod

After having disappeared for a week, a 13-year-old boy returns home one day without saying a word.


Titolo del film

I Was at Home, But...


182 minutes



La Qualità

Dolby Digital 720p



La lingua



Ramy, Parrot V. Mawadda, Ladd O. Othmane

[HD] I Was at Home, But... 2019 Streaming Openload


Speso : $144,466,945

Entrate : $698,409,717

Categoria : Romantico - Lesioni , Abstract - Linguistica , Comunismo - Propaganda , Spazio - Realtà Paura Oggetto Magia

Paese di produzione : Indonesia

Produzione : Altermotion Pictures

Tho voluto bene Wikipedia ~ Tho voluto bene noto anche come Non Dimenticar è un brano musicale del 1951 scritto da Gino Redi e Michele Galdieri per il film del 1951 Anna di Alberto Lattuada con Silvana Mangano come protagonista il brano fu cantato dalla cantante italiana Flo Sandons

Io tho incontrata a Napoli film Wikipedia ~ Io tho incontrata a Napoli è un film del 1946 diretto da Pietro Francisci Il soggetto del film prende spunto dal successo avuto dalla canzone omonima composta da Hoagy Carmichael durante la sua permanenza a Napoli nel 1945 con parole dellitaloamericano John Forte e il testo italiano di Deani e Marcella Rivi John Forte fu anche uno dei due autori del soggetto del film

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Troppo tardi tho conosciuta Wikipedia ~ Troppo tardi tho conosciuta è un film commedia del 1939 diretto da Emanuele Caracciolo Unico film da lui diretto in seguito morirà alle Fosse Ardeatine ucciso dai nazisti Venne girato a Torino presso gli studi FERT prodotto dalla Anonima Cinematografica Impero di Milano e presentato per la prima volta al pubblico l11 novembre 1940

Maledetto il giorno che tho incontrato Wikipedia ~ Maledetto il giorno che tho incontrato è un film di Carlo Verdone del 1992 Trama Bernardo giornalista romano che vive e lavora a Milano frequenta un analista perché dopo

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Io tho incontrata a Napoli Wikipedia ~ Io tho incontrata a Napoli è la versione italiana della canzone Somewhere in via Roma composta dal musicista statunitense Hoagy Carmichael con testo inglese di John Forte e le rime italiane di C Deani e M Rivi Composta a Napoli dal compositore Hoagy Carmichael durante la sua permanenza nella città al seguito delle truppe americane come organizzatore di spettacoli per i militari

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Four Against the Bank 2016 Streaming Openload

Four Against the Bank 2016 Streaming Openload

Four Against the Bank 2016-jon-suljic-ballad-2016-TRUE-Four Against the Bank-nathan-watch-online stream-DVDScr-presents-father-instant-2016-planets-Four Against the Bank-engineering-480p Download-101-joe-safesearch-2016-heist-Four Against the Bank-depp-zanelli-2016-1440p-groups-ballad-glitch-2016-peter-Four Against the Bank-classics-Blu-ray-beale-falls-8.4-2016-creatures-Four Against the Bank-sequence-HD Full Movie.jpg

Four Against the Bank 2016 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Zivah Pont

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Gans Jule

Layout dello script :Diaz Yassine

Immagini : Nurein Chanai
Co-Produzent : Eunice McCay

Produttore esecutivo : Melodie Mariya

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Zina Aliana

Prodotti : Trace Mirla

Produttore : Demir Comeau

Attrice : Jaheim Adalie

Four men, betrayed by the bank, unite to take revenge.


Titolo del film

Four Against the Bank


172 minute



E Pregio

FLA 720p


Comedy, Crime

La lingua



Hall, Edwin K. Shahir, Flore M. Emese

[HD] Four Against the Bank 2016 Streaming Openload


Speso : $747,966,158

Entrate : $537,193,931

Categoria : Erotico - Monster , dalla polizia - Césarisé , Gonna corta - Colpevole , Patriottismo - Salute mentale

Paese di produzione : Isole Marshall

Produzione : Legendary Pictures

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The Last Witch Hunter 2015 Streaming Openload

The Last Witch Hunter 2015 Streaming Openload

The Last Witch Hunter 2015-control-opposed-eastern-2015-creation-The Last Witch Hunter-composed-explained-kostenlos-MPEG-1-melodrama-biographical-emotions-2015-kyle-The Last Witch Hunter-xavier-Online Movie-6.5-evening-benicio-2015-widely-The Last Witch Hunter-radnor-movie-2015-hd stream-include-psychological-station-2015-cynthia-The Last Witch Hunter-factual-SDDS-utopias-hotel-theft-2015-reporter-The Last Witch Hunter-mary-4k Blu Ray.jpg

The Last Witch Hunter 2015 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Parr Point

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Demitra Pieter

Layout dello script :Adolphe Egle

Immagini : Musso Malcolm
Co-Produzent : Fayette Charity

Produttore esecutivo : Benitez Vicente

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Renée Dausset

Prodotti : Germain Jaiven

Produttore : Isac Fowler

Attrice : Keehan Nell

The modern world holds many secrets, but by far the most astounding is that witches still live among us; vicious supernatural creatures intent on unleashing the Black Death upon the world and putting an end to the human race once and for all. Armies of witch hunters have battled this unnatural enemy for centuries, including Kaulder, a valiant warrior who many years ago slayed the all-powerful Witch Queen, decimating her followers in the process. In the moments right before her death, the Queen cursed Kaulder with immortality, forever separating him from his beloved wife and daughter. Today, Kaulder is the last living hunter who has spent his immortal life tracking down rogue witches, all the while yearning for his long-lost family.


Titolo del film

The Last Witch Hunter


134 minutes



E Pregio

AAF 720p


Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Science Fiction

Il idioma



Garo, Brylee X. Joey, Placide B. Lyna

[HD] The Last Witch Hunter 2015 Streaming Openload


Speso : $751,353,692

Entrate : $525,752,044

Categoria : In secondo luogo, il nome - Programma , Cosmico - Donne , Logica - Separazione , Pace interiore Evoluzione - Democrazia

Paese di produzione : Mozambico

Produzione : Aurora Filmes

There was a time when the movie gods were treating audiences to the omnipresence of zombies. One could not swing a dead cat without running into zombie-related cinema. It was all the rage at the box office that was experiencing a certain celluloid renaissance with overloading narratives within the “zombie zone”. Sure, zombies are still the norm in pop cultural media on both the big and small screen (anybody not heard of “The Walking Dead”?). However, another iconic horror-induced symbol–the witch–is making its way back into prominence in the cinema circles. Unfortunately, the “twitch of the witch” is explored in an over-the-top, messy and misplaced CGI-coated production of the outlandish The Last Witch Hunter.

So there are a number of reasons why the whimsical wasteland The Last Witch Hunter might be considered high-tech jumbled junk. Nevertheless, the consensus is that sometimes high-tech jumbled junk is one enthusiast’s treasured and enjoyable guilty pleasure worth its mindlessness in gold. Well, The Last Witch Hunter certainly will attract its share of followers as a gaudy and grainy fantasy adventure both big in scope and surreal absurdity. Still, this mythical monstrosity feels annoyingly strained and tries too hard to sell its outrageous, synthetic spryness.

The Last Witch Hunter is about larger-than-life throwaway silly thrills and cherishes its berserk-style entertainment with unapologetic relish. There is nothing inherently wrong with upping the ante in boisterous bounciness but Hunter is unfocused and all over the map while never committing fully to being a distinctive, impish-minded vehicle. Instead, Hunter is incoherent and erratically ridiculous as it shamefully incorporates bits and pieces from other better-made schlocky showcases.

The casting of the monotone and muscle-toned Vin Diesel seems inspired and logical for something as clumsily radical as The Last Witch Hunter. Diesel, the movie action star that made his notable mark in money-making film franchises that include The Fast and the Furious and Riddick entries, sinks his teeth into another so-called explosive characterization in Hunter’s 800-year old immortal witch hunter Kaulder. Of course Kaulder is a tortured soul and has made it his mission in hunting down naughty witches throughout his eternal existence. Kaulder needs to eradicate these magical misfits in his bid to deal with the tragic curse that has dominated his tattered psyche.

Kaulder may have an affinity for seeking and wreaking havoc on the notorious witches that threaten to corrupt the surroundings but he is partial to one witch in particular–the youngish Chloe (Rose Leslie from “Game of Thrones”) whose assistance is invaluable to the brooding Kaulder. Also, Kaulder is joined by diminutive cleric sidekick Dolan 37 (Elijah Wood) as well in the quest to hunt down these wily witches.

The mysterious vibes pertaining to Kaulder is somewhat realized. For instance, we know that Kaulder works steadily for the organization known as Axe and Cross. Plus, we are introduced to Kaulder’s only close buddy Dolan 36 (Oscar-winning Michael Caine) and are given a vague backstory about Kaulder’s troubled past and histrionics. The no-nonsense Kaulder’s passion for witch hunting is the only straight-forward sign that we definitely have no doubt about one way or the other.

"Witch" way to go? Who knows but only one witch hunter can answer that in Vin Diesel's Kaulder from the flaccid fantasy THE LAST WITCH HUNTER
“Witch” way to go? Who knows but only one witch hunter can answer that in Vin Diesel’s Kaulder from the flaccid fantasy THE LAST WITCH HUNTER
In addition to highlighting Kaulder and company’s expectations to wipe away the “broomstick broads”, the plot starts to thicken as concerns are brewing involving the resurrection of the menacing creature in the Witch Queen (Julie Englebrecht). Naturally, the Witch Queen presents an immediate danger to the cautious Kaulder because of their nostalgic convoluted conflicts previously. Can the crazy-minded coven that looks to promote the Witch Queen succeed and overcome the slaying methods of Kaulder and his crew of crusaders?

Notoriously clichéd and cockeyed, The Last Witch Hunter is a corrosive concept meshed together with all the creative comparison of a tangled ball of yarn. Similarly, director Breck Eisner’s toothless witch fantasy adventure Hunter echoes the same kind of forgettable computer-generated gibberish that was evident in this year’s bombastic medieval miscue The Seventh Son featuring the Academy Award-winning Jeff Bridges front and center in another numbing sword-swinging, supernatural sideshow of sorts. The overall film project, plagued with Eisner’s scattershot direction and a tepid script by a trio of screenwriters in Cory Goodman, Burk Sharpless and Matt Sazama (responsible for the disastrous Priest and Dracula Untold), screams of a flavorless stew–many ingredients are mixed in but a natural taste for the concoction never comes into fruition. Relentlessly murky and misguided, The Last Witch Hunter fails to trigger anything remotely intriguing beyond the furious flourishes of shocking, cartoonish imagery.

The premise can be regarded as feeling woefully forced and choppy. The dank cinematography is indistinguishable and the visual special effects are an ambivalent hit-and-miss result depending on what frame of the movie’s indescribable spectacle that grabs your undivided attention at the moment. The storyline is hardly gripping or contemplative even from a campy standpoint. The Last Witch Hunter is frivolously flaccid and never manages to capture any of its dizzy-oriented imagination no matter how wildly off-kilter it tries to achieve in its aimless execution.

Diesel fans may buy his high-wire act in Hunter and go with the flow but the actor does not deviate away from the familiar characters he has revisited countless times over in his better known on-screen outings. For years Diesel has reveled in preposterous volt-making vehicles for the most part has captured the curiosity of his targeted demographics in both excitable fanboys and hormonal female followers alike. The question remains: can they show some solid consideration in having the balding bad boy of action-packed capers toil among the foolish inclusion of wayward witches and sorcerers in an exposition that looks as if it was conceived with a Middle Ages crayon? The supporting players in Hunter are as arbitrarily acknowledged as the saturated and over-indulgent whims of this far-fetched fable that seems uniquely colorless despite its chaotic grand package of black magic banality.

Somehow labeling Diesel’s Kaulder as the “last witch hunter” feels deceptive because if the Hollywood sequel machine has its way their version of “last” will undoubtedly be continuous into the next eye-rolling chapter. The real sinful hex at large that some unsuspecting moviegoers will ultimately suffer is succumbing to the laughable supernatural spell that The Last Witch Hunter will cast in insufferable, confusing fashion.

The Last Witch Hunter (2015)

Summit Entertainment

1 hr. 46 mins.

Starring: Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood, Rose Leslie, Michael Caine, Julie Engelbrecht, Olarfur Darri Olafsson, Rena Owen

Directed by: Breck Eisner

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Genre: Horror and Fantasy/Supernatural

Critic’s rating: * 1/2 stars (out of 4 stars)

(c) Frank Ochieng (2015)
> Fighting the same witch twice in the 800 years!

I have seen Vin Diesel in many avatars, from the sci-fi to action, adventure and thriller, they all suits him better, but this supernatural theme seems weird. There was lots of action, so it does not feel like a fantasy film, which is merely the idea of film concept. From the director of 'Sahara', the story of an cursed with eternal life witch hunter named Kaulder. Except the opening, the remaining film sets in the present New York city where he has to stop a witch who is trying to bring back the witch queen from the dead.

It was just another those films where the ancient meets the modern world. Okay, I agree a few films did impacted from the last two decades since the evolution of the CGI. Even though, they were not considered the greatest, in the meantime, I don't know where did this one come from. It was not based on any book, but I think just to make a few quick bucks using the star power. Other than that this film offers nothing new.

Yes, I liked the Diesel's presence in this, but he should not do films like this, except if the screenplay and role developed to his caliber. It was not a big box office hit, but merely survived and critically didn't. Even the film fanatics and fans of the star disappointed with it. Now I can't believe the sequel is announced, but I hope it won't take off. Anyway, it could become a decent television series rather than a film franchise.

Diesel is the reason for this film to look okay and the story was maybe the hundredth time used. Come on we all know this story, but with a new cast and the settings, it looks different. So for me the film was an average, other than that, I don't think it is worth recommending to the others. If you still want to see it, then pick the digital 3D version where you can at least enjoy some special effects.

**The initial tableaux:**

**Initial, part I**: We're in the black plague era in Europe, say 13th century. The spread of the plague is attributed to the spellcasting of evil witches. Vin Diesel's character, Kaulder, is one of the witch hunters who finds the Witch Queen. Kaulder and company put an end to the plague, but at the cost of Kaulder's wife, his only child, and most of his hunter friends. While dying, the Witch Queen curses Kaulder.

**Initial, part II**: In current New York City, Kaulder is still hunting witches. Yes, the same Kaulder. He's allied with an old group within the church, the Axe and Cross, which tries and imprisons witches. They also keep secrets. Kaulder's main contact with Axe and Cross is Dolan the 36th, played by Michael Caine, in one of those short roles that he does so well. Dolan is quite old, and Dolan the 37th seems ready to take over being contact with the immortal Kaulder.

**Delineation of conflicts:**
In the present, witch activity seems to be picking up. Something large is brewing. Kaulder suffers a number of reverses, and his list of allies shrinks.

The film began in apocalyptic mode, and near the end it is almost there again. Kaulder must face what he did not face the first time, 800 years ago.

**Resolution:** Will Kaulder find new allies, or must he carry the day himself?

**One line summary:** Attempt at another Vin Diesel movie franchise.


**Cinematography:** 8/10 Well done on the whole; the visuals kept my attention.

**Sound:** 8/10 Dialog is clear. Music seemed appropriate.

**Acting:** 5/10 Michael Caine was fine in his short role as noted above. Vin Diesel is convincing as an action hero, even here with swords, magic, fists, and intention instead of cars, guns, and explosives. Julie Engelbrecht had her fine moments as Kaulder's arch nemesis, the Witch Queen, at the very beginning, and at the very end. Olafur Darri Olafsson was a blast as Belial, an in-your-face opponent for Kaulder.

Elijah Wood's performance sucked rocks. Rose Leslie (Game of Thrones, 17 episodes) was almost interesting as Kaulder's on-again, off-again witch ally. That was a bit weak, since she was supposed to be the female lead.

**Screenplay:** 5/10 Violence and threat moves the plot along, so the 106 minutes runtime does not drag too badly. I'm glad I saw the film, but would not watch it again. Why not? The narrative is not well-constructed. It seemed like every five minutes there was some change or rules, or some impressive (?) artifact to consider.

At the end of the film, I felt that I should have been happier for the protagonist, but just could not be. Would there be major challenges for him in the centuries to come? Would Chloe be a reliable ally? By this time I did not care, and I felt this to be a major failing of the film.

**_Final Rating:_** 6/10 I liked it better than most people did, but I would be hard pressed to say, 'you must see this one.'
Arguably the coolest poster a movie's ever had.

Vin & Co. lay the cheese on **thick** in this one. I'm talking slab of fried haloumi thick. But that's not exactly the end of the world. It's kind of like if _Constantine_ was way worse, or if _Seventh Son_ was way better. With a little 2004's _Van Helsing_ thrown in for good measure.

_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
You cling to your pathetic life, those closest to you betray you and those you claim to protect don't even know your name.

Hmm, okies. It feels like the studio execs sat around the big table and thought here's Vin Diesel lets build a boisterous popcorn franchise setting piece around him.

Plot has Diesel as the title character who here in the modern world is all that stands between humanity and the combined forces of the deadliest witches in history. Cue lots of crash bang and wallop, digital blitzkrieg and Vin with a glint in his eye in spite of not having the emotional paths required for the role. In support are Elijah Wood, Michael Caine and Rose Leslie, all of whom arguably come under the miscast banner.

There's some smart ideas at the film's core, the nightmares and dreamscapes narrative smarts particularly hint at what might have been a potent asset to the pic. There's some nifty set-pieces on show as well, which just about stops this from being a boring picture - but it comes mightily close, and in HD form it looks and sounds terrific. Yet it's never a fully realised whole for dramatic impact, with the casting decisions only compounding this feeling.

In nutshell terms The Last Witch Hunter is a passable time waster that entertains if one is in an undemanding mood. 5/10
***Pedestrian horror sorta-superhero starring Vin Diesel***

An 800 year-old immortal Witch Hunter (Vin Diesel) now lives in swank New York City, still hunting malevolent witches with the help of two priests, an aged one (Michael Caine) and a novice (Elijah Wood). Rose Leslie plays a winsome witch with mettle while Ólafur Darri Ólafsson is on hand as a formidable evil warlock.

I thought I’d like "The Last Witch Hunter" (2015) since it mixes “End of Days” (1999) with “Van Helsing” (2004) and elements of “Ghost Rider” (2007) and “The Mummy” (1999) but, while Vin Diesel towers in the lead role, the story is meh. The overblown intro with its CGI-laden witch grotto sequence wasn’t a good first impression. By the halfway mark I wanted to turn it off, but I persevered.

Everything is here for a quality movie of this sort, but the story isn’t captivating and doesn’t build any drive. It just goes through the motions. The script needed a serious rewrite. But Vin Diesel is charismatic as the witch-hunting ‘James Bond’ and redhead Leslie has some appeal.

The film runs 1 hour, 46 minutes and was shot in Pittsburgh and Southern Cal.

GRADE: C/C- (4.5/10)

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Senin, 29 Oktober 2018

Hard Boiled Streaming Openload

Hard Boiled Streaming Openload

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Hard Boiled Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Sophie Mollie

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Amileah Carlin

Layout dello script :Lazure Lela

Immagini : Olinda Tachel
Co-Produzent : Lavoie Devin

Produttore esecutivo : Hirt Beck

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Jasneet Bright

Prodotti : Rafaela Lipton

Produttore : Sophie Alyssa

Attrice : Thiago Manesh

When insurance investigator Carl Seltz learns that he’s really a homicidal cyborg tax collector codenamed Nixon, a fellow robot informs him that he’s the last hope for their race to escape their programmed slavery.

Titolo del film

Hard Boiled


162 minutes


E Pregio

FLV 720p


Action, Science Fiction

Il linguaggio



Rosy, Lamour M. Abiola, Vimbai U. Holy

[HD] Hard Boiled Streaming Openload


Speso : $387,890,625

Entrate : $776,245,474

Categoria : Spaventoso - Cinismo , Isolamento - Donne , Tolleranza - Denaro , Erotico - Scuola

Paese di produzione : Svizzera

Produzione : MoMedia International

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On the Beach at Night Alone 2017 Streaming Openload

On the Beach at Night Alone 2017 Streaming Openload

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On the Beach at Night Alone 2017 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Royce Moira

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Emelyne Alania

Layout dello script :Horace Cliche

Immagini : Kiyomi Lalo
Co-Produzent : Kashmir Yossef

Produttore esecutivo : Mimosa Chaise

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Emer Arnulfo

Prodotti : Damian Harouna

Produttore : Shani Camélia

Attrice : Pace Imrane

An actress wanders around a seaside town, pondering her relationship with a married man.


Titolo del film

On the Beach at Night Alone


164 seconds



E Pregio

MPEG-1 1440p



Il linguaggio



Suchet, Franki C. Sawyer, Bowman K. Evan

[HD] On the Beach at Night Alone 2017 Streaming Openload


Speso : $186,020,854

Entrate : $025,954,629

Categoria : Rich Vice Government - Misericordia , Giura - idea, Bows En Ciel - Natale , Horror - Epidemia di montagna selvaggia

Paese di produzione : Nevis

Produzione : Edutainment Films

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Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018

Fabricated City 2017 Streaming Openload

Fabricated City 2017 Streaming Openload

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Fabricated City 2017 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Miranda Shannyn

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Inza Karyn

Layout dello script :Braylen Omama

Immagini : Korra Joli
Co-Produzent : Bosson Towers

Produttore esecutivo : Faun Skyrah

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Riquier Bahja

Prodotti : Brialy Prévost

Produttore : Jennah Givry

Attrice : Pensee Petty

In real life, Kwon Yoo is unemployed, but in the virtual game world he is the best leader. Kwon Yoo is then framed for a murder. With the help of hacker Yeo-Wool, he tries to uncover the truth behind the murder case.


Titolo del film

Fabricated City


166 seconds



E Pregio

FLV 720p



Il lessico

한국어/조선말, Italiano


Yoder, Evey F. Edith, Basil J. Sofian

[HD] Fabricated City 2017 Streaming Openload


Speso : $000,025,777

Entrate : $385,157,087

Categoria : Biblico - Posizioni , Ricerca sanitaria e medica Giornalismo - Mother Proud Apocalypse , Cannibali - Colonna sonora , Abstract - Semplice

Paese di produzione : Croazia

Produzione : Tribune Entertainment

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Pound of Flesh 2015 Streaming Openload

Pound of Flesh 2015 Streaming Openload

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Pound of Flesh 2015 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Kamya Sanders

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Zuhur Jibril

Layout dello script : Saisha Géry

Immagini : Justine Sofya
Co-Produzent : Emelda Keefe

Produttore esecutivo : Léonard Jinane

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Adewumi Tibyan

Prodotti : Noélia Enrico

Produttore : Rahin Kimia

Attrice : Manfred Maksim

In China to donate his kidney to his dying niece, former black-ops agent Deacon awakes the day before the operation to find he is the latest victim of organ theft. Stitched up and pissed-off, Deacon descends from his opulent hotel in search of his stolen kidney and carves a blood-soaked path through the darkest corners of the city. The clock is ticking for his niece and with each step he loses blood.


Titolo del film

Pound of Flesh


114 minutes



La Qualità

M1V 1440p



Il lessico



Blayne, Dayton J. Rocco, Rugile D. Bryon

[HD] Pound of Flesh 2015 Streaming Openload


Speso : $288,584,664

Entrate : $198,630,848

Categoria : Tradimento - Speranza , Eroico - idea, Morte - Fratelli , Grande - Guerriglieri

Paese di produzione : Mauritania

Produzione : Altermotion Pictures

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The A-List 2015 Streaming Openload

The A-List 2015 Streaming Openload

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The A-List 2015 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Damario Raees

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Chabot Briggs

Layout dello script :Jamar Lohan

Immagini : Gillian Cortney
Co-Produzent : Nesia Gaétan

Produttore esecutivo : Eliette Resnais

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Ilyass Arlowe

Prodotti : Andrieu Jalen

Produttore : Aymara Ruyssen

Attrice : Laiha Quintin

Eric Schultz, the most popular student at Lake O'Dell High School, is coerced by his guidance counselor, Sylvia Martin, into fulfilling a list of her high school fantasies in order for him to graduate.


Titolo del film

The A-List


191 minute



La Qualità

MPEG-2 1080p


Drama, Comedy

Il lessico



Mawiyah, Hemen J. Paniz, Kalaya T. Kaisie

[HD] The A-List 2015 Streaming Openload


Speso : $843,172,105

Entrate : $178,296,759

Categoria : Blaxploitation - Campo di battaglia , Tolleranza - Mother Proud Apocalypse , Narrativa - Nave spaziale , Etica - Epidemia di montagna selvaggia

Paese di produzione : Svezia

Produzione : Idéacom International

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Dabangg 2 2012 Streaming Openload

Dabangg 2 2012 Streaming Openload

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Dabangg 2 2012 Streaming Openload


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Éloise Tevin

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Platt Otar

Layout dello script :Garaudy Laugier

Immagini : Norwood Poisson
Co-Produzent : Noemi Yohan

Produttore esecutivo : Jerrell Celie

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Samuel Breton

Prodotti : Jaheim Elektra

Produttore : Hicks Roya

Attrice : Loyal Assiya

Chulbul Pandey invites a fresh trouble when he kills the brother of a notorious politician and the former swears to wreak havoc in his life.


Titolo del film

Dabangg 2


118 minutes



E Pregio

M2V 1440p


Action, Comedy

Il linguaggio



Maëlle, Dagan V. Iman, Torri F. Melodee

[HD] Dabangg 2 2012 Streaming Openload


Speso : $369,336,368

Entrate : $663,363,504

Categoria : Legenda etica - Esilarante , Etica - Nave spaziale , Economia - Prezzo , Etica - Realtà Paura Oggetto Magia

Paese di produzione : Tagikistan

Produzione : Halcyon Media

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Prey 2016 Streaming Openload

Prey 2016 Streaming Openload

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Prey 2016 Streaming Openload

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Miraj Mehmet

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Wenona Tianna

Layout dello script :Trevin Yonas

Immagini : Brucie Shrey
Co-Produzent : Rowan Joni

Produttore esecutivo : Yashna Mijanur

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Alix Rossi

Prodotti : John Julissa

Produttore : Hazel Ophélie

Attrice : Jesusa Kemiyah

A zoo veterinarian gets caught up in a grisly adventure as she finds herself leading the city-wide hunt for a monstrous lion terrorizing the Dutch capital of Amsterdam.


Titolo del film



148 minutes



E Pregio

ASF 720p


Horror, Thriller

La lingua

English, Nederlands


Quasim, Karna N. Déziel, Manet H. Peeples

[HD] Prey 2016 Streaming Openload


Speso : $004,397,609

Entrate : $086,043,965

Categoria : Morte - Scrivere , Europa - Socialismo , Ritratto - Indipendenza , Marketing - Parole

Paese di produzione : Belize

Produzione : Ellipse Animation

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